Sunday, September 8, 2013

We are remodling our kitchen!

First we were just going to get new cabinets and take out the peninsula, but then we realized we might as well change the floors (we were tired of cleaning the white tile) and switch the stove and the fridge - and make a little alcove so that the fridge didn't stick out so far.

We tarped off  half of the kitchen, removed about a third of the cabinets and chiseled out half of the tile.

The tile was laid on top of 1/4" wonderboard that was nailed into plywood.  It was messy but we were able to pry it up.  

We were hoping to remove the plywood and see beautiful fir flooring (really the original subfloor) but we realized that there was a step down in the subfloor where there had originally been a porch, so it looks like we are going to get some new hardwood flooring and install it over the plywood.  

It was time to clean up and cook dinner.  Next weekend we are going to tear out the rest of the tile and the peninsula...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sun burn

We are burning silk screens in the back yard.

And washing them in the tub.

Almost done with the garage skate ramp

We still haven't gotten rid of the mattress yet...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Update on the garden

We have been a little distracted by surfing, good weather, camping, cats and weddings.  But this afternoon we spent some time at home and were noticing how much the plants have grown.

I think the first pictures were from just four months ago.  Its really amazing how fast plants can grow, the artichokes have gotten really big and all of the natives we planted have begun to grow new leaves and stems, even the little oak tree that one of max's crews dug up on the side of the highway and little grass and weeds make there way everywhere.

Also there was an eclipse and the light through the trees cast hundreds of little eclipses on Stacey and the fence.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We frosted the windows in the classical music listening room

We bought some frosted window/privacy screening/contact paper at the hardware store and put it on our windows.

We watched a step by step video online and we really liked it so we are going to take you through a step by step thing too.  It involves a lot of spraying soapy water.
Okay, first you clean the window.  Its supposed to be with a lint free towel, but we used a dishrag... it might have left some cat hair on the window. 

Next you spray the window.


Then you measure and cut the paper.

Next you spray the window.

Then you put the paper on and squeegee it on in a super serious kind of way.

Then you spray the window

Then you cut it just right.

Then you spray the window.
After that, you squeegee it again and dry the corners... take a moment to remove stray sand and cat hair and stand back and enjoy your nice frosty window. 

This is not our window.... 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gardening Tips For Cat Lovers

Cats love bunch grasses.

And dusty dirt spots.

And also smooth round rocks in little secret places (for when cats are feeling a little down).

Friday, April 6, 2012

I see a skylight and i want to paint it white

Sunday after surfing we wanted to get warm so we got back up in the skylight and painted the drywall.